Car accidents are difficult to deal with. You have your injuries to tend to, as well as the damage done to your car or bicycle. You have to start worrying about the financial aspect of recovery, and these things could have an emotional toll on you and your family members. When the accident is a hit-and-run, that could add a whole new layer of stress. What should you do?
Remain Calm
It’s reasonable to think you’re going to be excited after a car accident, but try to remain as calm as possible. Doing so will ensure you take all the proper steps to care for yourself and anyone else who is with you during the accident.
Call the Police
Even though there isn’t a car or another individual at the scene of the accident, you can and should still call the police. A police officer can make a report of the accident to help you with your insurance claim. There’s also the chance the officer knows the car and the driver you describe. Perhaps the driver is wanted in another crime, and your report will give the authorities a clue in how to find him or her. Calling the police also gets them looking for the driver immediately, which increases the chance he or she will be caught.
Check for Injuries
Don’t be too hasty to see who hit you that you ignore your injuries and those of passengers in your car. Your health is important, and you won’t be able to remain calm and give a good report to the responding officer if you’re in poor physical condition. If you do have injuries, be sure you let the dispatcher know so the paramedics can get there to administer aid. If you need to go to the hospital, it may be in your best interest to take a ride in the ambulance.
Gather Information
If you are able and of a sound mind, gather as much information as possible. What did the driver look like? What direction was the vehicle coming from and what direction was it headed? What was the make, model, and color of the car? Did you catch the license plate number? How about the state or registration expiration date? Watch for tattoos or other distinguishing features on the driver, as well as dents, rust spots, or anything unique about the car.
Contact Your Lawyer
Your lawyer is generally your biggest advocate after a car accident, especially a hit-and-run when you don’t know where to turn. Contact a lawyer, like a car accident lawyer in Towson, MD from Seigel & Rouhana, today so you can learn how to handle the situation correctly.